Thursday 23 September 2010

Alfred Hitchcock's Film Techniques.

Alfred Hitchcock was known as the 'Master of Suspense' whose films set the benchmark for many years to come for Psychological thrillers. Hitchcock, through his great use of suspense and shock in his films made people suffer throught out all his films as they did'nt know what was going to happen next. He usually directs a film which has a mystery involved in it. The main character in his film will usually be the person who has to solve the mystery.

Alfred Hitchcock uses three key film devices in every film he has done. They are:
  • Maguffin
  • Red Herring
  • Enigma
A Maguffin is a plot device that motivates the characters and advances the story, but has little other relevance to the story. One example of a film Hitchcock uses the device 'Maguffin' in is in his 1960's Thriller sensation 'Psycho'.
A Red Herring is a name given to a device which intends to divert the audience from the truth or an item of signifigance. In the film 'North by North west' filmed in 1959 Hitchcock uses the device to create a great film.
An Enigma refers to a puzzle, something mysterious or inexplicable and a riddle of a difficult problem. Hitchcock uses enigma in 'North by North west' as well as is red herring. This shows that Hitchcock on occassion used more than one plot device in his films.

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