Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Preliminary Exercise.

On the 18th of November we created a preliminary exercise in our groups. We had to create a short clip of film , to be filmed anywhere in the school, which showed a loose idea on what a two minute sequence of Thriller fillm may be like. We were given a video camera and a tripod, so that we could film the exercise, and within our group we decided to stage the sequence in the 6th form block and the toilets. By staging it in two seperate areas it taught us good skills in editing techniques and how to cut the film quickly and precisely. The filming took us around about an hour too do, and there were three of the four members of our group starring in the film sequence (the fourth was the person filming)

On the other side of the filming aspect we had too edit our film (like our voxpops) on the computer software 'Final cut express.' This was another good way to prepare ourselves for when we film our Thriller film, as it meant when we came to edit the Thriller we were more experienced and better at doing it. As a group we transferred all our raw film off the video camera and onto the final cut express software. Then we spent time cutting and putting together our film sequence so that the final outcome looked smooth and professional. We had too add a bit off film at the start of the exercise which was a frame with a black background, with white writing, which read 'Preliminary exercise' followed by a list of our names, showing who was starring in the fil and who was directing the film. We did this to make the film look professional and too tell the people watching the film, the names of people involved in the film and what the film was.

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