Monday 31 January 2011

Voice over corrections.

In todays lesson we decided that the scream in the thriller is not scary. Therefore we have decided instead of filming the scene again, i am going to do a voice recording off a scary scream and edit it into the thriller.

Moby Gratis; Music found !!

Today we searched threw a huge amount of tracks on 'Moby' and we found a music track which we as a group feels goes perfectly with the mood of our thriller. The track is called 'hope is gone' off an album called 'wait for me'. The song sounds like a women singing, which fits in with the idea of the person being possessed in our thriller. 'Wait for me' is an improvement on the track before, as the track before sounded to upbeat as it was a light drumming sound

Thursday 27 January 2011

Preparing for filming.

 This is 5 minutes prior to the filming of our thriller opening, as you can see Tyra is applying the red makeup to my face to produce the aura of my eyes bleeding. We created the affect using acrylic red paint, watered down.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

25/01/11- Todays lesson.

In todays lesson we discovered a slight blip involving the location of where we will be filming our thriller. We wanted to film in an abandoned corridor, however due to there being dangerous chemicals down there we may be forced to film further down, behind the stage in the main hall. We feel this won't make much difference to our film as the area behind the stage is also quite creepy.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Moby Gratis reply e-mail.

Above is the reply given by Moby Gratis, the reply states that they have accepted our request to use there non- copyright music in our thriller.

Music for my ident.

To accompany the ident to our thriller opening we used the software 'Livetype'. It allowed us too make a short 3 second piece of music which would fit well with the theme of the thriller and the ident itself.


Our characters in the thriller are going to be:

Sid (boy)
He cheated on his girlfriend, she found out and then now wants him to suffer. 

Sam (voice over and antagonist)
Will be the voice inside sids head. 

Harley (girl)
angry cause her boyfriend cheated on her

Title of film.

The title of our film is called "Possessed". We feel this name is good as it fits i with the theme of our film.

Stage Directions.

Stage Directions

  1. Production name 
  2. Black out
  3. Sense 1 - taste
  4. Black out 
  5. Written by
  6. Black out 
  7. Sense 1 - smell
  8. Starring
  9. Black out 
  10. Sense 3 - see 
  11. Made by 
  12. Black out 
  13. Sense 4 - touch 
  14. Black out 
  15. Sense 5 - hear 
  16. Fuzzy screen 
  17. Normal view 
  18. How it all started...
  19. Title 
 These directions are in order of what our film opening will be we be 

Tuesday 18 January 2011

new locations.

Old corridor

Abandoned bathroom.

Abandoned bathroom.

Behind the stage.

Car park.

These 5 locations are other places we will be filming the aspects 
of the thriller. They all hold attributes to make our thriller "Thrilling"

Format of the Titles.

As our titles appear on the screen, this will be the order that they appear on the screen.
The title is at the end of the 2 minute sequence as we feel it will to explain to the audience, what the 2 minute sequence was about.

Fantasizing production 
Written by... Tyra Huggins, Sam Conway and Harley Mason and Sid Taylor
Starring...Sid Taylor and Harley Mason, with the voice over of Sam Conway 
Made by... Harley Mason, Sid Taylor, Sam Conway and Tyra Huggins
Music approved by MOBY GRATIS 
Title: Possessed


We used the software Photoshop to create an effect to enhance the image to make fit more into the theme of our thriller.

This is the image we have altered on photoshop. We have added the circle effect so it gives of the impression that the couple are being spied upon. I feel the image has come out really well, and the impression we wanted the image to have has worked and looks realistic.


In thursdays lesson we spent it filming the opening to our thriller in the location we had discovered (behind the main hall and the abandoned toilets) we filmed the part of the thriller which involved touching. The picture setting a light was our affect. We discovered however that the location was too dark for the film to be visible clearly. This is Ok however as we can now use our back up location, in areas such as behind the stage in the main hall and the cupboard in the art department.

Monday 17 January 2011


These three pictures are off the location that our thriller is too be filmed in. We have chose this area as it is dark and secluded which will set a tone of mystery needed in our thriller

ident for production company.

This short video is the ident for our thriller. It lasts approximately 2 seconds. It says 'Fantasizing Productions' in different writing as this is the name of our production company. The word 'fantasizing' is in red and blue cracked writing and the word 'productions' is in blue and white writing. The background of our ident is red and black. The writing shakes to show a scary effect.

List of Characters.

List of Characters

Sid- Playing: Sid
Sid is the protagonist in the thriller. He has been taken hostage as he has had a love affair with Sam's girlfriend Harley. Sid is a confused and scared character as he has awoken in a strange place.

Sam- Playing:Sam
Sam is the antagonist in the thriller. He is a psycho who has taken Sid hostage for having an affair with his girlfriend. Sam will be dressed in black.

Harley- Playing:Harley ( The girlfriend)
Harley is not featured in the film a lot. She was Sam's girlfriend but has had a love affair with Sid.

All of these characters have given consent to be in the thriller.

Name for production company.

The name for our production title is 'Fantasizing productions', this name i think is quite catchy but quite easy to remember. We designed it in the software 'Livetype'

Mood Board

Thursday 13 January 2011

Testing part 2.

These are seven pictures taken in last thursdays lesson. The seven pictures are too show effects that me and my group created as a test for an effect we want to use in our thriller opening. We used powder paint  (blue and green) and a hairdryer to create the effect. We sprinkled a bit of each colour powder paint on a table and positioned the hairdryer behind it and turned it on. The effect we created as shown above was an array of blue and green smoke which is what we hoped for. We believe that the smoke will create an affect of mystery when we come to create our Thriller. The idea of the test was too see if the affect was too fit into the ideas we had for our thriller and it did.

Tuesday 11 January 2011


During last thursdays lesson me and my group took the camera out and went to the art department to create some effects needed for our thriller. To create the effect of bleeding eyes we used the mix of red acrylic paint which we watered down. I believe from this pictures evidence, that the outcome looks quite realistic so therefore worked well. The bleeding eyes affect is used to fit into the theme of our thriller opening 'The five senses'

Consideration of target audience.

When i come to create my thriller opening i need to set a clear audience for whom i am aiming the genre at.  I believe the opening can be set for people between the ages of 13 to 18. This is because i believe this is the main age group for people who enjoy watching thriller films. Also i am between that age of 13 and 18 so i feel i can create a thriller opening which will fit the aspects of what they expect. I would say that whilst the thriller genre is a very masculine genre, the thriller i am creating is trying to appeal to both sexes.
I have also created a survey on '' in which i asked people questions about what they looked for in a thriller and what there ages was est. This helped me to create my target audience.

AS Media Coursework Robert Clack - Thriller

This thriller opener entitled "the stalker" is a certain example of an idea i wouldn't use in my thriller, for reasons discussed below.

Analysis of past students work.

In the lesson i watched numerous thriller openings from previous years to observe and take notes on things i felt were good about the openings and what wasn't so good. I found out from one opening that i watched, how to create a sense of masculinity and threatening behaviour from the use of certain camera angles. The people used the camera at a low angle and pointed it up at one the characters as if it was a point of view shot of someone looming over the top of the victim.
On the other hand i noticed certain techniques that i wouldn't necessary use in my thriller opening. An example would be trying to fit too much of the plot into the opening sequence. I noticed in some of the thrillers that the characters where trying to tell the whole story of the plot in two minutes and this gave the opening a feeling of being disjointed and rushed.
A certain idea that i wouldn't use in my Thriller is the use of the "stalker" like figure. I feel that i've seen too many examples of thrillers that have a hooded figure (usually male) stalking a innocent character (usually female) and always resulting in the death of the innocent character. As well as the fact that i've seen too many Thrillers with stalkers in them, i feel that it is quite a basic idea, without much thought so this is an example of a Thriller idea i certainly wouldn't use.

The Art of the title.

I went on to the website '' to study different variations of title, to be used in the intro of our thriller introduction. The website was useful, because i was able to see the type of titles which would fit into the mood of our thriller. This is going to help in the near future as the the title will set the mood for the 2 minute sequence of our thriller.


Tuesday 4 January 2011

Se7en (Opening Credits)

This is the opening sequence to the film 'Se7en'. I observed the tiltes sequence for research for my AS media thriller movie.

Panic Room opening sequence.

This is the opening sequence of Panic Room, iobserved this for research into title sequences.