Thursday 5 May 2011


7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in progression from it to the product ?

I feel personally and from consulting with other members in my group that i have learnt a lot from from my preliminary video to be able to prepare us for a final thriller "possessed". As the preliminary task was not part of our coursework we were given far less time to film it. I feel the less time that was given didn't allow us to do it as well as we could of. However the lack of skills, techniques and experience also led us to create a preliminary video of sub-standard.

Ways in which our Thriller was a better overall package in comparison to our preliminary exercise were many. Our preliminary video was made without an ident, which straight away gave out an impression of lack of professionalism. We created an ident for a company who made our Thriller named 'Fantasizing productions'. This gave our film a professional aura as you see idents in films created by big film manufacturers like 20th Century fox est. As well there being a difference between the preliminary exercise and the AS thriller movie throught the use of idents another positive difference was our use of titles at the start of the film which allow the viewer to know what the Thriller is called, who is starring in the production and who directed the production. This again compared to our Preliminary exercise, gave off a sense of professionalism. We had learnt how to create idents and feature titles before our preliminary exercise using the software 'Final cut express' , however in the weeks in between the Preliminary and Final Thriller we were able to enhance our skills in using the software and in doing so were able to create classier idents and feature titles.
Another aspect of where i feel we learnt from our preliminary task was in the aspect of sound quality. In our preliminary task there are many examples of where the diegetic sound is not continious or realistic. An example being in our preliminary task, where Harley immediately stops crying when the shot is panning away from her. This was poor sound continuity as it takes the realism out of the Thriller. However in our Thriller we have used a balance of Diegetic and Non- Diegetic sounds to great affect throughout which create a greater sense of realism to the viewers of the film. Also adds to the professionalism of the production.
The use of Mis-en- Scene i feel we enhanced in our film, in comparison to our preliminary exercise. As a group i feel after watching our preliminary exercise we realised that the mis-en scene wasn't obvious enough to attract the viewers attention. In our final thriller however the audience were able to acknowledge many stand out events that link into the theme of mis-en-scene used throughout the sequence. An example would be the setting of our thriller, in a dark, dingy room. The darkness and dirty atmosphere of the room would show the audience that the place were the character is found is not a nice place and therefore will be able to understand the characters anguish.



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