Sunday 20 March 2011


4.) who would be the audience for your media product ?

Using survey monkey i created a survey with questions about what people enjoyed about a thriller movie, how many times a week do they watch a thriller movie est. I asked an array of people to do the survey and i gained the results from it.
The audience for my thriller is aimed at people of a similar age to mine (16 years old) however i feel that people off an older age would enjoy the film as well. I know teenagers around my age are the main audience for my thriller, because when i was conducting my survey, they were the main age group that took part.

                                 My thriller 'Possessed' is a thriller centred around the genre of 'Horror'. We took the decision to make our thriller a Horror thriller after seeing that over 50% of our audience who took our survey, enjoyed that genre of thriller the most.

This is my thriller Wordle, created on ''. The words on this wordle are all words used by the audience who took my survey. These words explain what they are looking for in a thriller. From seeing this me and my group decided to use examples of these words in our thriller 'Possessed'

Relating back to our target audience (teenage age group around 16 years old.) I feel that the teenage age group would enjoy watching our thriller as the aforementioned areas that we have filmed relate to their day to day lives. As well as this i believe the fact that a high percentage of teenagers watch thriller films regularly, they will appreciate the thriller more. 

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