Sunday 20 March 2011


5.) How did you attract/address your audience ?

After watching the film we as a group gained feedback from people who watched the film with us. The video above shows a few responses from interview we conducted.The film interviews where our way of deciphering what the audience appreciated and what they felt could be improved on the film overall. We asked two questions too two different members of our class. We asked: What they liked about the film possessed ? and what did they think could be improved about the film 'Possessed' ?

Our two minute sequence holds the audience's attention, as they want to see why this guy is being possessed. The audience are watching strange and nasty things occur to the character and they want to know what the connection with the girl is about. I think the thriller captivates the audiences attention as the use of diagetic and non diagetic sound parallel's the surroundings of where the thriller is being shot and the action that is going on. The atmosphere is then built as one of mystery that would entice the audience as it was fast paced and is adjacent to the editing.

We also attracted the audience attention by using simple yet affective filming techniques. We used a Maguffin as the film starts with the character waking in a dirty room with no recollection of how he got there. As well as this an unseen force is torturing the character and he doesn't know why. This shows another use of a Maguffin. The use of the Maguffin is that we know that the audience doesn't know why he is being tortured, but will want to find out as it is a perplexing plot.

The two minute sequence is left on a cliffhanger as the two characters are being followed by a tracking shot (this emphasis the stalking mentality of the film) across a field. The affect given is one of mystery, because we don't know who is watching them or what is going to happen next. The film therefore is left with lots of unanswered questions, which would mean the audience would want to carry on watching to see if the questions get answered later on. The audience would want to carry on watching our film as they are interested in the thriller genre and they want to see what type of thriller it turns out to be, whether it is a psychological thriller or a crime thriller est. After watching the initial two minute sequence, the audience would want to carry on watching the thriller as they would want to see how the women seen in the video clip is connected to the man being possessed.

The camera being used to spy on the two characters whilst walking along the field and holding hands was filmed using a black and white affect. The affect created by filming in black and white is that the footage is one from the past. The audience would then start to wonder how the past is connected to the predicament that the main character finds himself in. The still camera taking the of the couple hugging in secret would entice the audience to find out more about the person who is filming the couple. They would want to find out how he/she is connected to the couple and if he/she is the person possessing the man.

The use of the actor and actress being off of a young age attracts an audience of all different ages, as people of similar ages could put themselves in that position and people of an older generation could relate to their past.

Media productions have used young actors to connect with certain audiences in the past. Here are a few examples.


The inbetweeners.

Both of these programs were huge hits among the age group of the characters played in the episodes. Both programs used places that the age group could relate to. Both shows used a school/college environment in which to film a lot of the episodes (school/college being a prime area that teenagers are most of the day)

The fact that we are all teenagers in our group helped too plan certain locations that we believe would be scary for the teenage age group. We believed the use of a park could be scary as teenagers hang around in parks a lot of the time. We filmed the stalking extract from our thriller in the park too add to the scare factor as the teenagers watching the film would start to think that they could be kidnapped in a place exactly like that. The realism affect comes into play as now the audience couldn't dismiss the thriller by saying things like "arr its okay it'll never happen to me"

The park we filmed the black and white stalking extract. As a teenager they can relate to an area like this.

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