Sunday 27 March 2011


6.) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product ?

Throughout the Filming project that we undertook, we have used a variety of different technologies to enhance our project and too help us.

The following objects, materials, software's est. all helped us along the way.


I used the website '' to keep a running online blog on how me and my groups progression in creating our thriller movie was going. On the blog i showed key steps in research of different thrillers that i may have took influences from and showed various forms of planning and testing that me and my group had to do before we shot our thriller. The blog allowed me to keep an online step by step guide on how i was learning about every aspect of the thriller genre est. Blogger allowed me too gain ideas through surveys est. on how my thriller could be improved and allowed me too display audience feedback.

Final cut express

This software found on the apple imac's allowed me too edit and enhance the thriller that i had filmed with my group. The software allowed us too insert idents into the start of our film and create smooth edits throughout the film. All together final cut express allowed us too make the film look more professional.

Mini DV Digital camcorder
As a group we used the video cameras to film all of the footage of our media thrillers. We used them connected to a tripod for stability (steady shot) or freehand for different shots. Once all the filming had been completed we used a lead to connect the camera to the apple imacs and import the film we had onto the final cut express software and begin the editing process.

Apple Imac
The imac was used for a variety of reasons. I used it at times to update my blog on what i had been up to involving the project. I used it to use the editing software 'Final cut express'. It was also used to use softwares such as 'Garageband', to create the music for the ident needed for the start of our thriller. Imac was also used to upload pictures from certain location of where we'd been filming.

Digital camera

The digital camera was used by myself and the group too take pictures of locations in which we were thinking about filming. It was also used to take pictures of our initial ideas such as our storyboard. The camera also helped when testing out ideas for scenes that we were going to have in our film. An example of this was taking the snapshots of the smoke being tested in the art department.

Youtube was used as a great audience feedback tool and by creating an account it enabled our group to post our preliminary exercise onto the web and gain valued feedback on what people enjoyed and disliked about the exercise. Youtube also allowed me to access past students work, analyse and take inspiration from good parts of their thrillers. My finished thriller was also posted onto youtube to gain publicity and again collect valued audiences opinions.


The tripod was an invaluable piece of equipment used throughout the construction of our thriller, as it enhanced our filming techniques to a higher level than if we were just using free-cam shots. By using the technique my teacher showed us, once we had connected the camera correctly to the top of the tripod, it then allowed us to adjust the height that we wanted to shoot from and twist the tripod to give us more acute and obtuse angles if we wanted.

Mobile phones

The use of  mobile phone technology helped us as a group in a practical sense as it allowed us to keep in contact with one another, and organise times to meet up when we wanted to start filming. With the high- tech mobile phones of today it allowed us also to take high resolution pictures for research into locations est.


The google search engine allowed me to very quickly research anything to do with the course that i had to research. It allowed me too look up things such as thriller techniques, different types of thriller, popular thrillers est. It all helped towards modeling ideas for my thriller.

Survey monkey

I used the internet online survey website '' to create a thriller survey, which enabled me too find a target audience for who my thriller was aimed at. Once i  created my survey, i posted links onto social networks such as facebook and onto my blogger so that people could take my survey and i could gather an idea of what my target audience looked for most in a thriller.

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